Results for 'Gondraje Dr Birshah Atram'

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    Dr Frank Taylor, 1910-2000.Dr Frederick Ratcliffe & Anne Young - 2000 - Bulletin of the John Rylands Library 82 (2):81-84.
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    Giving Liberty Its Due, But No More: Trans Fats, Liberty, and Public Health.Dr James Wilson - 2010 - American Journal of Bioethics 10 (3):34-36.
    Resnik’s argument relies upon an undefended and unjustified overvaluation of liberty. First, he overlooks some important arguments in favour of restrictions to liberty, and his consideration of the two he does review is unfair; second his account grossly overestimates the autonomy of our food choices; and lastly his mechanism for balancing liberty against other concerns involves an illicit double counting of the weight of individual liberty.
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    Patientenautonomie als nichtidealisierte „natürliche Autonomie“.Dr Phil Lara Huber - 2006 - Ethik in der Medizin 18 (2):133-147.
    Onora O’Neill hat 1984 den Zusammenhang zwischen grundsätzlichen Bedenken gegenüber dem ethischen Autonomiebegriff und der Kritik an der paternalistisch geprägten medizinethischen Praxis hergestellt, nicht die tatsächliche Einwilligung des konkreten Patienten zu berücksichtigen, sondern die angenommene, hypothetische Einwilligung, die ein idealisierter, völlig rationaler Patient geben würde. Im Anschluss an experimentalpsychologische Studien zur subliminalen Wahrnehmung, zu Volition und Handlungskontrolle erfahren kompatibilistische Theorien menschlicher Freiheit innerhalb der theoretischen Philosophie neue Popularität. Eine Handlung ist demnach frei, wenn sie das Resultat bestimmter Fähigkeiten einer Person (...)
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    Honest research.Dr Harold Hillman - 1995 - Science and Engineering Ethics 1 (1):49-58.
    The origins of research projects, the duties of supervisors and research workers, the subjective elements in research and the difficulties of publication are reviewed, as a guide to the complexities of executing an honest research project. It is assumed that research carried out with maximal intellectual integrity will result in real advances.
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    Identifying Emotional Patterns in Young Musicians and Their Impact on Music Performance.Dr Rinki Mishra, Bhavuk Samrat, Abishek Israel, Ameya Ambulkar, Arpit Arora, Ramachandran Thulasiram & Tusha - forthcoming - Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture:601-608.
    This study explores the emotional patterns experienced by young musicians before performing and examines how their emotional beliefs influence these pre-performance emotions. A total of 320 students aged 10 to 18 years participated, recalling their most recent concert memory through a guided imagery induction. A selection of 10 emotional patterns was used to assess their feelings, and they selected Happy, Sad, Courageous, Angry, Elated, Inquisitive, Bored, Calm, Tired, and Afraid. They also responded to questions about their opinions regarding musical performance (...)
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    When foods become animals: Ruminations on Ethics and Responsibility in Care- full practices of consumption.Dr Mara Miele & Adrian Evans - 2010 - Ethics, Place and Environment 13 (2):171-190.
    Providing information to consumers in the form of food labels about modern systems of animal farming is believed to be crucial for increasing their awareness of animal suffering and for promoting technological change towards more welfare-friendly forms of husbandry (CIWF, 2007). In this paper we want to explore whether and how food labels carrying information about the lives of animals are used by consumers while shopping for meat and other animal foods. In order to achieve this, we draw upon a (...)
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    Saudi Digital Library Services in the Light of the National and International Sustainable Development Goals.Dr Omima Kamal Eldian Hassan Mohamed & Dr Majed Mohammed Abusharhah - forthcoming - Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture:751-769.
    The study aimed to identify the concept of sustainable development, and to explore the role of digital libraries in achieving SDGs, by shedding light on the reality of the SDL in terms of financial, technical and human capabilities to achieve the Kingdom’s 2030 vision for sustainable development. The study revealed that digital libraries play an active role in achieving SDGs through secure and diverse technical infrastructure, and a variety of digital information sources. Digital libraries enhance the level of information awareness (...)
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    Sustainable Entertainment: Management Strategies for Sustainable Growth in the Television Industry.Dr Rimjhim Jha, Dr Kanchan Naidu, Dr Gayathri Band & Dr Soma Sharma - forthcoming - Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture:571-577.
    As it faces the threats and seizes the possibilities presented by sustainability, the television business is experiencing a profound shift. The potential for long-term expansion in the television industry is investigated in this study by looking at sustainable entertainment management practices. The research finds important tactics that production businesses and television networks may use to incorporate social, economic, and environmental sustainability into their operations by looking at existing practices and new developments. Case studies of prominent firms, examination of sustainability reports, (...)
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    Green Technologies and Innovation for a Sustainable Future.Dr Wei Chen - 2023 - Journal of Philosophical Criticism 6 (1):69-81.
    _ This scholarly article explores the pivotal role of green technologies and innovation in shaping a sustainable future. With the growing concern over environmental degradation and climate change, there is an increasing need for transformative solutions. This article investigates the current landscape of green technologies, their potential impact on sustainability, and the role of innovation in driving positive change. By examining case studies and emerging trends, it aims to provide insights into the promising avenues for creating a more environmentally conscious (...)
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    Les Cadrans Solaires Analemmatiques.Dr Margarida Archinard - 2005 - Annals of Science 62 (3):309-346.
    Résumé Le cadran solaire analemmatique est présenté pour la première fois par un mathématicien français, appelé Vaulezard, dans un petit fascicule publié en 1640. Suit un deuxième ouvrage, plus complet, en 1644. Dernier venu, ce cadran attire l'attention d'importants savants tels que Foster et Lalande. Parfait dès le départ, il a néanmoins la singulière particularité d'inspirer diverses tentatives d'amélioration, plutôt infructueuses, et d'être à l'origine de quelques variétés de cadrans analemmatiques qui, elles, connaissent un franc succès. Nous apportons la preuve (...)
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  11. Adams, Henry and the decline of the modern west.Dr Contosta - 1983 - Journal of Thought 18 (1):47-54.
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    Emotional Manipulation and its Relationship with Symptoms of Narcissistic Personality Disorder among Couples.Dr Ali Saleh Jarwan, Dr Basem Mohammed Al Frehat, Dr Anwar Faisal Hawari & Farah Mamoun Ali - forthcoming - Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture:242-257.
    The current study sought to examine emotional manipulation and its connection to symptoms of narcissistic personality disorder among couples, and whether there are statistically, significant differences based on the variables such as gender, age, duration of marriage, and educational level. The study involved a sample of 924 married couples, selected through the descriptive correlational approach. The findings revealed a moderate level of emotional manipulation and symptoms of narcissistic personality disorder among couples. They also showed statistically significant differences in emotional manipulation (...)
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    Hospitalised mentally ill patients vote in Israel.Dr Yuval Melamed - 2001 - Journal of Medical Ethics 27 (5):355-355.
    sirThis is the third time hospitalised mentally ill patients have voted in Israeli elections.In 1996 the law was changed so that patients, including those in psychiatric hospitals, could participate in elections while hospitalised.Until that year, hospitalised patients could participate in elections only if released from the hospital to vote at their local polling stations.The ability of mentally ill patients to participate in the democratic process has aroused interest over a long period of ….
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  14. Jaina Art under the Hoysalas-The Zenith and Decline.Dr Ms Krishna Murthy - 2001 - In Haripriya Rangarajan, G. Kamalakar, A. K. V. S. Reddy, M. Veerender & K. Venkatachalam (eds.), Jainism: art, architecture, literature & philosophy. Delhi: Sharada Pub. House.
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    Assessment of the Relationship between Cultural Product Features and Tourist Perceptions.Dr Bharat Patil, Samaksh Goyal, Dr Anand Kopare, Gourav Sood, Dr Smita Mishra, L. Yashoda & Rajeev Sharma - forthcoming - Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture:900-909.
    The historical product aspects affect consumer happiness and choice, it is important to consider they affect tourists' impressionslike their market worth, genuineness, and remembrance value which affect travelers' opinions and purchase choices. The essential elements that influence travelers' choices and draw attention to disparities differently men and women value these attributes. The results imply that cultural products might be made more appealing by adjusting them to suit the tastes of tourists. This offers insightful information that can be used to enhance (...)
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    The Dynamics of Power and Influence in Social Hierarchies.Dr Elena Petrov - 2022 - Journal of Philosophical Criticism 5 (2):192-210.
    _ This scholarly article delves into the intricate web of power dynamics and influence within social hierarchies. Through an interdisciplinary approach, the paper explores the psychological, sociological, and anthropological aspects that shape and define these dynamics. The study aims to provide a comprehensive understanding of how power operates, is acquired, and influences individuals and groups within diverse social structures._.
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    The Future of Work: Adapting to Technological Disruptions in the Labor Market.Dr Andrei Popov - 2023 - Journal of Philosophical Criticism 6 (2):199-217.
    _ This scholarly article delves into the transformative impact of technological disruptions on the contemporary labor market and explores the necessary adaptations for individuals, businesses, and policymakers. The article examines emerging trends, challenges, and opportunities in the evolving landscape of work, offering insights into how stakeholders can navigate the complex interplay between technology and employment._.
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    Post-Colonial Politics: Legacy and Continuity.Dr Anna Sokolova - 2023 - Journal of Philosophical Criticism 6 (2):121-135.
    _ This scholarly article explores the intricate dynamics of post-colonial politics, emphasizing the enduring legacies and continuous challenges faced by nations emerging from colonial rule. Analyzing the impact of historical colonization on contemporary political landscapes, the paper aims to shed light on the persisting influences, patterns, and complexities that shape post-colonial political structures. Through a multidisciplinary approach, the article engages with historical, sociological, and political perspectives to offer a comprehensive understanding of post-colonial politics._.
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    Wittgenstein: Rethinking the Inner.Dr Paul Johnston & Paul Johnston - 1993 - New York: Routledge.
    The idea of the Inner is central to our concept of a person and yet is far from being philosophically understood. This book offers a comprehensive account of Wittgenstein's work on the subject and presents a forceful challenge to contemporary views. Written in a non-technical and accessible style, it throws new light both on Wittgenstein's work and on the problem of the Inner self.
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    The use of moral dilemmas for teaching agricultural engineers.Dr J. Félix Lozano, Guillermo Palau-Salvador, Vicent Gozálvez & Alejandra Boni - 2006 - Science and Engineering Ethics 12 (2):327-334.
    Agricultural engineers’ jobs are especially related to sustainability and earth life issues. They usually work with plants or animals, and the aim of their work is often linked to producing food to allow people to improve their quality of life. Taking into account this dual function, the moral requirements of their day-to-day professional practice are arguably greater than those of other professions.Agricultural engineers can develop their ability to live up to this professional responsibility by receiving ethical training during their university (...)
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    Empfehlungen zur Evaluation von Ethikberatung in Einrichtungen des Gesundheitswesens.Dr med Gerald Neitzke, Prof Dr Phil Annette Riedel, Dr Theol Stefan Dinges, Dr Phil Uwe Fahr & Dr Phil Arnd T. May - 2013 - Ethik in der Medizin 25 (2):149-156.
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    Guidelines for training in the ethical conduct of scientific research.Dr Seymour J. Garte - 1995 - Science and Engineering Ethics 1 (1):59-70.
    Historically, scientists in training have learned the rules of ethical conduct by the example of their advisors and other senior scientists and by practice. This paper is intended to serve as a guide for the beginning scientist to some fundamental principles of scientific research ethics. The paper focuses less on issues of outright dishonesty or fraud, and more on the positive aspects of ethical scientific behavior; in other words, what a scientist should do to maintain a high level of ethical (...)
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    „Ethikberatung im Krankenhaus“.Dr med Andrea Dörries, Alfred Simon, Gerald Neitzke & Jochen Vollmann - 2005 - Ethik in der Medizin 17 (4):327-331.
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    Reproductive cloning and a (kind of) genetic fallacy.Dr Neil Levy & Dr Mianna Lotz - 2005 - Bioethics 19 (3):232–250.
    ABSTRACT Many people now believe that human reproductive cloning – once sufficiently safe and effective – should be permitted on the grounds that it will allow the otherwise infertile to have children that are biologically closely related to them. However, though it is widely believed that the possession of a close genetic link to our children is morally significant and valuable, we argue that such a view is erroneous. Moreover, the claim that the genetic link is valuable is pernicious; it (...)
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    Dialogic Communication with the Jews of Medina: Methods, Characteristics, and Purposes in the Light of Prophetic Biography.Dr Abdel Aziz Shaker Hamdan Al Kubaisi, Dr Sohaib Al-Kubaisi, Dr Younus Abdulhadi Khaleel Al Fayyadh & Dr Abdeljalil Damrah - 2024 - European Journal for Philosophy of Religion 16 (2):460-487.
    This research study examined what dialogues, methods of communication and mechanisms were employed by the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) to teach, guide and advise His opponents, particularly the Jews of Medina. This study took the opportunity to understand the characteristics of such dialogues and communication methods and extrapolate the jurisprudential rulings and the legitimate objectives of such dialogues. The study used a historical and heuristic approach to unearth the dialogic communication, and data was retrieved from the Prophet’s biographies, religious writings, archives (...)
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    Analysing the Correlation between Social Media Marketing and Consumer Purchase Behaviour.Dr Sadaf Hashmi, Amanveer Singh, Beemkumar Nagappan, Saumya Goyal, Dr Dhruvin Chauhan, Deepak Minhas & Dr Sweta Kumari - forthcoming - Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture:673-682.
    This study analysis of social media marketing includes use of platforms to communicate with consumers, promote items, and influence their decisions. The process by which customers choose which products or services to purchase is known as consumer purchase behaviour. Data was provided for this study, which observed exactly how social media marketing distresses customer buying behaviour, by consuming 350 participants, 150 marketers, and 200 customers. It is understood that many social media marketing features distress and unfair customer decisions. Hypotheses remained (...)
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    Environmental Sustainability and Adaptations in Indus Basin.Dr Shahana Maryam, Dr Nor Azlah Sham Rambely, Mohamed Ali Haniffa & Dr Siti Alwaliyah Mansor - forthcoming - Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture:692-704.
    The Indus Basin's advantageous climate and topography rendered it a prime site for the implementation of an irrigation system. This study looks at how the Indus Basin is affected by climate change. Changes in water flow, glacial/snow melt, and catchment areas in the Indus and its tributaries are revealed by trend analysis from hydro-logical stations. A network of canals constituted of trans-boundary rivers was built beside the Indus River System (IRS), soon after the implementation of the Indus Water Treaty, about (...)
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  28. Simple heuristics from the adaptive toolbox: Can we perform the requisite learning?Dr Tim Rakow, Neal Hinvest, Edward Jackson & Martin Palmer - 2004 - Thinking and Reasoning 10 (1):1 – 29.
    The Adaptive Toolbox framework specifies heuristics for choice and categorisation that search through cues in previously learned orders (Gigerenzer & Todd, 1999). We examined the learning of three cue parameters defining different orders: discrimination rate (DR) (the probability that a cue points to a unique choice), validity (the probability of correct choice given that a cue discriminates), and success (the probability of correct choice). Success orderings are identical to those by expected information gain (Klayman & Ha, 1987). In two experiments, (...)
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  29. Working memory, inhibitory control and the development of children's reasoning.Dr Simon J. Handley, A. Capon, M. Beveridge, I. Dennis & J. St BT Evans - 2004 - Thinking and Reasoning 10 (2):175 – 195.
    The ability to reason independently from one's own goals or beliefs has long been recognised as a key characteristic of the development of formal operational thought. In this article we present the results of a study that examined the correlates of this ability in a group of 10-year-old children ( N = 61). Participants were presented with conditional and relational reasoning items, where the content was manipulated such that the conclusion to the arguments were either congruent, neutral, or incongruent with (...)
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    Masculine Violence in Turkish Folk Dances.Dr Elif Küçük Durur & Ahmet Emir Yılmaz - forthcoming - Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture:1648-1657.
    As a social issue, violence continues to manifest and remains a current topic of academic research. Scientific studies mostly focus on the individual and societal dimensions of violence; however, studies that address violence in the context of everyday life practices remain limited. This study argues that violence has a masculine character as a result of gender inequality and within the framework of the masculinity-power relationality. On the other hand, this study considers folk dances as a product of social culture and (...)
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    Navigating the Gig Labyrinth: Exploring the Implications of the Gig Economy for Labor Markets and Policy.Dr Alessandro Ferrari - 2023 - Journal of Philosophical Criticism 6 (1):96-105.
    _The traditional landscape of employment, once structured around full-time positions with defined benefits, is experiencing a seismic shift. The gig economy, a burgeoning ecosystem of flexible, on-demand work arrangements, has emerged as a powerful force, reshaping labor markets and blurring the lines between employee and independent contractor. This article delves into the intricate labyrinth of the gig economy, analyzing its multifaceted impacts on workers, businesses, and policymakers. By navigating this labyrinth of potential benefits, challenges, and ethical considerations, we can illuminate (...)
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    The Role of Film-Based Learning Projects in Enhancing Communication Proficiency.S. Dr Umakanth, Nishant Bhardwaj, Amita Garg, Prakhar Goyal, Sadaf Hashmi, Mithhil Arora & Dr Sarita Joshi - forthcoming - Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture:919-928.
    Film-based learning projects enhance communication proficiency by immersing students in visual and auditory experiences that improve their understanding, skills, confidence, and creativity in conveying ideas. This study investigates the impact of film-based learning initiatives on students' communication skills through a qualitative methods approach. Data were collected from 150 students using a pre-post-test evaluation, focusing on five key variables: understanding of content, skills improvement, confidence in communication, proficiency in communication, and strategic problem-solving skills. Qualitative data provided a comprehensive understanding of how (...)
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    Analyzing the Impact of Teachers' Technological Skills on Their Teaching Skills in Music Education.Dr Sadaf Hashmi, Sakshi Sobti, Ranganathaswamy Madihalli Kenchappa, Shivangi Gupta, Dr Hiren Harsora, Divya Sharma & Dr Pompi das Sengupta - forthcoming - Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture:811-821.
    Music education increasingly integrates digital technology to enhance teaching effectiveness and student engagement. This study investigates the impact of technology proficiency on music instruction by analyzing data from 80 music teachers and their students, aged 10-18 years, gathered through a detailed questionnaire. SPSS software was utilized for statistical analysis, including factor analysis, Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA), and Structural Equation Modeling (SEM). SEM analysis revealed that Community Influence (CI) and Achievement Prediction (AP) significantly impact Psychological Forecasting (PF), while Technical Expertise (TE) (...)
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    The Partnership Between Families and the School in Enhancing the Integration Process for Students with Special Needs.Dr Mohamad Ahmad Saleem Khasawneh - forthcoming - Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture:884-899.
    This paper explores the most important and satisfactory aspects of collaborative partnership from the point of view of parents of children with special needs. The descriptive survey method was utilized to suit the purposes of the study and its objectives. The study sample in its final form consisted of 761 parents of students with special needs (658 fathers, 103 mothers) who had a child with a disability. A questionnaire was used for information collection from the participants to reach conclusions on (...)
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    Exploring the Development of Creative Imagination across Different School Grades.Dr Bijal Zaveri, Paramjit Baxi, Dr Praveen Kumar Thakur, Ameya Ambulkar, Raman Verma, N. Raghu & Diksha Aggarwal - forthcoming - Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture:822-832.
    The development of creative imagination across different school grades involves examining that students’ ability to think creatively and imaginatively evolves as they progress through their education journey. This study examines the development of imaginative creativity across a range of students' grades, emphasizing the roles that various factors play in students' creative growth, such as parental engagement, creative competition participation, innovative problem-solving skills, guidance from teachers, and visualization abilities. Information has been gathered from 150 teachers and 150 students who took part (...)
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    Ueber Nachahmung und Nachfolge(Ein Beitrag zur Phänomenologie und Psychologie des religiösen Erlebnisses).Dr Aloys Fischer - 1914 - Archive for the Psychology of Religion 1 (1):68-116.
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  37. Design of education for the development of islamic moral qualities of leadership.Dr Musa Garba M. Aitafsir - 2001 - In Gbola Aderibigbe & Deji Ayegboyin (eds.), Religion and social ethics. Ijebu-Ode, Ogun State [Nigeria]: National Association for the Study of Religions and Education (NASRED).
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    Strategic Management in Digital Media: The Evolution of Innovative Content Creation.Dr Amishi Arora, Dr Soma Sharma, Dr Gayathri Band & Dr Vaishali Rahate - forthcoming - Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture:564-570.
    Strategic management is now essential in the ever-changing digital media ecosystem to fully use creative content ideas. Focussing on how strategic management has driven innovation, this research study traces the development of content strategies in the digital media business. Successful content production methods are identified by analysing significant trends, technology, and business models in the research. Content creation and delivery have been revolutionised by digital platforms, data analytics, and audience interaction strategies. This study delves into these changes. In order to (...)
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    Doping und die Grenzen des Leistungssports.Dr Alexander Bagattini - 2012 - Ethik in der Medizin 24 (3):207-219.
    Ob eine sportliche Leistung anerkannt wird, hängt maßgeblich davon ab, ob sie im Einklang mit Werten steht, die wir für wesentlich für den Sport halten. Die philosophischen Standardargumente gegen Doping im Sport behaupten eine Unvereinbarkeit von Doping mit Werten wie Fairness, Gesundheit oder Natürlichkeit. Ich möchte im Gegensatz zu diesen Argumenten eine grundsätzliche Unvereinbarkeit von Doping mit dem Wert eines nachhaltigen Umgangs einer Person mit sich selbst behaupten. Wer dopt, so meine These, folgt einem verabsolutierten Leistungsdenken, was aus ethischer Perspektive (...)
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    In the wake of Latona: Thetis at statius, achilleid 1.198–216.Dr Shackleton Bailey, O. A. W. Dilke, EgJ Méheust & See Pj Heslin - 2009 - Classical Quarterly 59:238-246.
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  41. School of philosophy and ethics.Dr D.-P. Baker - unknown
    • Answer ONE question from Section B. • Answer ONE question from Section C. 3. WRITE ANSWERS FROM EACH SECTION IN A DIFFERENT ANSWER BOOK.
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    Der Mensch in der Masse.Dr Kurt Baschwitz - 1939 - Synthese 4 (1):416-424.
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  43. The effect of cue and retrieval strategy compatibility in part-list cueing inhibition.Dr Basden & Bh Basden - 1991 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 29 (6):474-474.
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    Introduction to Psychotherapy: An Outline of Psychodynamic Principles and Practice.Dr Anthony Bateman, Dennis Brown & Jonathon Pedder - 1991 - Routledge.
    _What is psychotherapy about?_ _What are the similarities and differences of its many forms?_ _What are the most recent developments in the field?_ _Introduction to Psychotherapy_ has been an essential reference book since its publication in 1979, and is regularly included in reading lists for trainee psychotherapists, psychiatrists and other professionals. It is often recommended to interested lay people and prospective patients. This third edition takes into account recent changes in psychotherapy theory, practice and research. The authors are all psychoanalysts. (...)
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    Hans Kelsen and the Case for Democracy.Dr Sandrine Baume - 2012 - Ecpr Press.
    This study assesses Kelsenian democratic theory.
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  46. Ueber das religiöse Genie.Dr Siegfried Behn - 1914 - Archive for the Psychology of Religion 1 (1):45-67.
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    Gedächtnis-Enhancement. Wie erstrebenswert wäre ein grenzenloses Gedächtnis?Dr Phil Joachim Boldt & Uta Bittner - 2013 - Ethik in der Medizin 25 (4):315-328.
    Gedächtnis-Enhancement oder Memory-Enhancement ist ein Teilbereich der verschiedenen Ansätze zur pharmakologischen und technischen Verbesserung menschlicher Leistungsfähigkeit. Wie Erfahrungsberichte von Menschen mit von Natur aus gesteigertem Erinnerungsvermögen zeigen, ist eine Steigerung der Gedächtnisfähigkeit prinzipiell möglich. Allerdings verweisen diese Erfahrungen auch auf einige Komplikationen und Beschwernisse infolge dieser gesteigerten Leistungsfähigkeit. Es wird argumentiert, dass erstens diejenigen philosophischen Theorien, die die Funktion des Gedächtnisses v. a. in der Speicherung von Informationen lokalisieren, einige dieser Probleme nicht antizipieren und nur unzulänglich erklären können. Zweitens wird (...)
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    Jenseits der Therapie.Dr med Alena M. Buyx - 2006 - Ethik in der Medizin 18 (3):267-272.
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    XI. Horat. Epist. I, 11. 4.Dr Campe - 1869 - Philologus: Zeitschrift für Antike Literatur Und Ihre Rezeption 29 (1-4):452-472.
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    The Illative Sense.Dr Zeno O. F. M. Cap - 1952 - Franciscan Studies 12 (3-4):263-300.
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